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“The browser for the elderly”

Eldy on Softonic
On this LINK the French Softonic has written a nice article about ” Eldy, the browser for the elderly”.

Here’s a brief abstract:
With grandparents, it is often the same story. Unreadable icons, too small texts, windows no end, there is something quickly become discouraged if you have never been in contact with the world of computers. “Anyway, I do not understand! It is not for me!”.

Yes but now, did not count Eldy, a browser specially designed for the elderly. Developed by a nonprofit, Here is an overview of its very specific features. Before use, you must install the program course. Eldy has a very simple installation process and French. Just follow the wizard and click “Following”. For this step, we still recommend to seniors to be accompanied.

Eldy is, in no doubt, good software that deserves your attention. Allow people the third and fourth age is to conquer the web, this is a very good idea to start. Like phones for seniors, Eldy wants to support and facilitate the access of older people in the digital world and, specifically, d’Internet.


Eldy the easy software for elderly

Eldy is a software that turns any standard PC into an easy-to-use computer for people that have never used a computer before.
Provides into a easy six buttons interface email, Internet, chat, videoconferencing, documents, pictures, skype and more. Free Download.

Eldy – the easy software for seniors

Eldy is a software that turns any standard PC into an easy-to-use computer for people that have never used a computer before.
Eldy Provides into a easy six buttons interface email, Internet, chat, videoconferencing, documents, pictures, skype and more.

Free Download.


The Caravan of Eldy market in Thiene!

Starting from 8, at the parking Bosco dei Preti.


The camper of Eldy in Piazza Castello, Vicenza

Starting from 15.30

Bridge Barbarano

The camper the festival Bridge Barbarano

Starting from 19.30

Camper Lugo (VI)

The camper will be in place of Eldy Lugo (VI) at the festival village.

We look!