Here's the abstract of the 2010 annual letter to Eldy.net volunteer: "dear All thank you for all your efforts to localize Eldy in your languages, from the very first translation to the latest. We’ve seen Brazilian, Mexican, Swedish, to mention a few. … Training are going on in Switzerland, US, Ireland, UK, … every where. It’s very strong feeling for us to see Eldy spreading so much in so far territories, as a software and as a social system with volunteers and people teaching seniors how to find their way into this brand new world interconnected, far yet one click away. The last thought of the year is for you, dear volunteers: if you ever can please pay us a visit in Vicenza , it will be a pleasure to take you to Venice and spend a nice evening in front of a Pizza and a glass of wine. Finally, I’ve just received latest translations contributions: here’s to you Eldy in Arabic, by Mohamed. So, let's recall one of the first translations (Ukrainian), by Vladimir and let's preview the latest:
Post date: 2010-12-29 17:32:13 Post date GMT: 2010-12-29 16:32:13 Post modified date: 2010-12-29 18:34:27 Post modified date GMT: 2010-12-29 17:34:27 |
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